How The Salt Room Appleton Can Help Your Asthma
Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that affects around 300 million people around the world including a large proportion of children. Around 7% of the US population are victims of asthma. Every year asthma claims 4,000 lives in the US alone. Prescription drugs and inhalers may bring immediate relief but the use of salt therapy can keep inflammation and irritation in the lungs to a minimum.
A patient suffering from asthma will find relief with Salt Therapy
as it helps widen your airways as well as humidifies and fluidizes the bronchial secretions in the bronchial tree, thereby reducing bronchospasm. Salt therapy provides a natural asthma treatment as it absorbs the edema from the mucosa lining the airway passages,with salts natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. An asthma patient will start breathing easily after just a few sessions. These sessions will also decrease your coughing and your dependence on asthma inhalers and drugs. A complete treatment regiment of 5-15 sessions will provide benefits for as long as 6-12 months. For those clients that want to maintain the benefits of salt therapy, we have unlimited memberships available.
Salt Therapy recreates the natural microclimate in salt caves and mines.
But unlike Speleotherapy, where the patient is taken into a natural salt cave, halotherapy provides the additional benefit of treatment in controlled conditions. The temperature, humidity and sodium chloride flow are constantly monitored to give optimum effect. The client is able to relax in the halochamber which offers a spa like atmosphere.
Dry sodium chloride aerosol containing particles of 1-5 microns in size are blown into this room by a halogenerator. In order to treat asthma, the environment is saturated with dry sodium chloride aerosol at a mass concentration varying from 1-16 mg/m3 . Typically asthma treatment involves drugs which include steroids that may have harmful side effects. Salt therapy has no side effects or negative interaction with other medication.
The Salt Room Appleton can help alleviate many symptoms and ailments. Salt therapy can provide relief for those who need it. No matter what your symptoms are, The Salt Room Appleton can help. The symptoms that we help include: Allergies, Asthma, Bronchitis, Cold/Flu, Cystic Fibrosis, Dermatitis, Ear Infections, Emphysema, Rhinitis, Sinus Infections, and Sinusitis.